The most popular app in India, Jooli, is revolutionising the shopping process. With more than 500000 downloads, Jooli provides features that are beneficial to both consumers and businesses.

1. Shopping through videos - shoppers can discover their favourite brands and products on the Jooli App, and make a purchase after watching short informative videos from various brands.

2. Effortless shopping experience - You won't be leaving the house to shop once you get used to the effortless shopping experience offered by the Jooli App. Swipe up or down to switch between brands, and left or right to switch between a brand's products. Click on the ‘shop now’ button to make a purchase, which is always present at the bottom of the page. The videos can be played and paused at any moment.

3. Make your own wishlist - Create your own Wishlist by selecting the option to "wishlist a video" on the right. From there, you can add your favourite products to a wishlist for later review.

4. Shop your favourite products from your favourite brands - In the upper right corner of the Jooli App, you can see the star-marked brands. You can star mark the brands you prefer to return to, at a later time.

5. Share product videos you like with your friends and family - Jooli knows shopping is incomplete without the advice of your mother, best friend, or a close relative. Consequently, there is a sharing option for the product videos in the Jooli App!

6. Discover multiple brands under one umbrella - The Jooli App is a one-stop-shop for all brands, allowing you to find a range of brands in one place.

7. Explore more to become a merchant - If you have a business or a product to market, you can sign up as a merchant on the Jooli App and display your product offerings through short video advertisements.

Hurry! Join the Jooliverse to enjoy the benefits of selling and buying from any location!